Day #4 – We’re getting good at this!

It seems like the campers really know what to do now!  Meals are getting more complicated to prepare, but the campers are stepping up to work as teams to get the job done.  Firebuilders, Cooks, Hostesses, Runners, Dishwashers — everyone has a job to do according to the kaper chart.  The blue unit spent most of the day at the lake today before hiking back up the hill for the flag ceremony.  Since it was flag day today, you could hear patriotic songs throughout the camp besides the “usual” Girl Scout songs.  At the closing flag ceremony, we sang “Happy Birthday” to our flag.  The blue unit had a special ceremony to retire a flag, also.

We can’t believe that tomorrow is our last day!  Where has the week gone?

Check out all the pictures at Conestoga Day Camp Flickr.

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