A Great Day at Camp!

Picture of happy campers

Tallcorn and friends

We had a great first day with setting up our units, swimming, and seek-and-find. Some units made slime and some went for an arena horseback ride. All units planned their meals for the next three days as we prepare to cook outdoors.  We drank LOTS of water and used lots of sunscreen on this 90 degree day.

Registration Update – 68 Girls, 14 PA Applications

Just a quick update20140612-174147-63707846.jpg:

Camp is filling fast!

Don’t forget about our Annual T-Shirt and Camp patch Design Contest.  Deadline is April 1st.

We have seen pictures of the transformation of Camp Conestoga into Camp Liberty, and I can tell you that it is awesome!

If you haven’t registered yet, please take a moment to do so.  Registration will close on May 1st or when unit capacity has been reached.